Tuesday, June 25, 2013

2013/06/25 – Tuesday – Vacation - Day 05 - Arrived and Dripping

The night was mostly peaceful, but we had one or two trains that went by that really laid on the horn in the middle of the night.

We left a little before 9, so a good start!

Gas stop was a few towns down the road; it was a little hard to get into it but no real problems.

We did run into a few road constructions stops, but the stop was not very long at any of them.

We stopped for lunch about a mile before the Oklahoma boarder (crossing the red river).

After reviewing the maps more, we changed our route preferences again and not take any tolls roads.  So we took a more scenic route to Oklahoma.

When we arrived at the campground about 4:30, we did have to wait a bit before we could move up and go check in.  Upon checking in, I found out that the site was not big enough if I had the big trailer and not the tow dolly, but with the tow dolly it worked out.

Once settle in, it was decided that we needed to explore and get a few things.  I called the person that brought the showcase of ideas for CA to arrange a meeting location and time.

We picked up the showcase and headed over to the convention center to know where it is at.  Once that was done, we went and found a place to eat.  After eating, we did some shopping and then filled the van up with gas and headed back to the RV (where will call home for the next 4 days)

Back at the RV, it was suggested that I need to do laundry, so off we went (Mom M and I).

Once that was done, now I needed to work on the condensation dripping from the RV A/C unit.  In about two hours the condensation dripping had filled up a bowl, so I had to do something to help deal with it. So, I made a plastic runner from the A/C unit over to the sink

Another good day of travel and of course adventure.

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