Sunday, July 03, 2016

2016/07/03 - Sunday - Vacation - Day 17 - Cave and Rain

We got going about 10, but before going Cheryl got lunch made for later.

We went the eastern route to get to Jewel Cave.  When we checked in to see the time, everything was one to three yours out, so I opted not to do any tours at this location.  Also the JR Ranger program requires two ranger programs, so Amanda could not get that done - maybe next time?

But it was time for lunch so I moved to the west end of the parking lot and found a picnic table so we could have lunch.

Next stop was in Custer to get gas.

We made it Rushmore Cave.  Mom D did not want to go in, but the rest of us did.  It was an ok cave.  They run a lot of people through all day long (15 minutes apart)

We came back to Hill City to walk the town and have dinner.  Dinner was at Desperados.  Cheryl and Mom D spent some money - o joy....

About an hour once back at the RV a storm rolled through, a lot of thunder and lighting.  Turquoise REALLY does not like the noise from that and from the rain hitting the roof of the RV.  For some reason the power went out in the park and the surrounding area.  Amanda had check the website for the power company and they acknowledge the power outage in the area.  

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