Thursday, July 02, 2020

2020/07/02 - Thursday - Vacation - Day 21 - Longest Drive

We finally left E place a little after 10.

First stop was at a Flying J's for the necessary gas for the RV and lunch for us.

Next stop yep Flying J's again.

Then the topping of the tank at another Flying J's

We finally pulling into the road to our friends place around 5:30.  I unloaded the van from the tow-dolly.  A drove the van up.  The road had a lot of washboards so I had to go slow, the tow-dolly did a lot of bouncing.

We didn't stay up to late, but we had a good time chatting.

Update:  The RV had a major issue around midnight.  A woke us up that the AC was a glowing fire.  We double checked and we could smell the burning and see the black scorched marks in the AC unit.  It did not trip the breaker, and it does not work any more.

Wednesday, July 01, 2020

2020/07/01 - Wednesday - Vacation - Day 20 - Cool into Warm

We got moving almost on time, but I had to hook the tow-dolly backup and then load the van.

We stopped in Chester to get fuel for the RV.

Some where along the North Fork of the Feather River we stopped for lunch

We are at E's place were it is warm, so glad that we can plug in and have the AC working to keep us cool.

We ordered dinner and goofed around before calling it a night.
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