Saturday, I worked on things around the house – cleaned the garage some more.
We went to a visitation – Church Mice and had fun.
Sunday – Eric and Cheryl went on a field trip to see a game, while Amanda and Jesse went the Croakers monthly dance. Amanda didn’t to any dancing because of her knee and ankle hurting. Amanda is hurting so we need to get her an appointment to get her checked up.
Monday – Well Jesse went and got a few things for the RV. I finally returned from the running around and worked on do the fixing. I also got into it that the RV was still not cleaned up from two weeks ago. I had to do a lot of yelling to get my point across why Amanda always seems to have an excuse why she cannot do what I request – but for Cheryl a little pushing and Amanda will do it but madly.
The things if fixed on the RV and trailer were the both front marker lights on the trailer. Got the RV cleaned out and ready for the next trip. Replaced the broken cup holder on the couch (forward). Made sure the fridge temperature monitor is not going to fall down again. Replaced the batteries in the clock and temperature sender (that is under the RV). My list of things to still do is at least getting shorter. The box top on the trailer, get the lug nut cover replacement, get the new holding tank cover installed, install the connectors for the internet satellite system, and run the cables for the printer.