Sunday, July 02, 2017

2017/07/02 - Sunday - Vacation - Day 18 - Next National Park

We got moving a little late - around 9:45.  I took the route with the least amount of gravel roads for our travels.  I did not go straight to the 95, I waiting for awhile until heading north.

Around lunch time the rest area I was going to use was closed so I had to wait another hour before stopping and having lunch.  For some reason I was more tired today driving then I have been on this trip.

We stopped for gas, thinking it was a Flying J's but it is a Shell for gas (Flying J's for the truckers).

We are stopped for the night in Dickinson for two night, so we can go see the three National Parks in area.

Unloaded the van from the tow-dolly and we headed out.  I drove through part of town in search of a hardware store, but nothing on that route.

We stopped at "Theodore Roosevelt National Park - Painted Canyon Visitor Center"  and then continued on to "Theodore Roosevelt National Park - South Unit".  Amanda got the paper work so she can start working on the Jr Ranger Badge.

We did the Scenic Loop Drive - 36 miles and saw several animals, also during the loop a thunder storm moved over and we got to see the lighting show with lots of rain for about an hour.

Back out of the park, we stopped for dinner.

On the way back to the RV, the wind and rain was really bad for part of the drive.

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