Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Appointment Day

Today was going to be a work on things that I need to get done, but I forgot that I needed to take the kids to their dentist appointment.

I left work and took the kids to their appointment. Eric had the last two teeth removed necessary for his dental work. And Amanda had two fillings filled.

O man it was sure windy today. As I was driving to and from the appointment the wind sure was blowing me around, hopefully the wind will die down before we have to leave tomorrow. But the weather just stated that it will still be blowing so its going to be a stressful drive out.

I got all the laundry done. Cheryl’s new ice machine was producing ice that did not taste good, so I drained the water and filled it up with new water and now the ice taste better.

I thought I was done installing stuff on Eric new computer, but not so. I finally got the computer to read cd that I create – man what a pain!

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