Monday, December 25, 2006

Christmas Day

Well of course the kids woke use up. We did set a time at and right at that time 8:00 we were told to get up so we could do our gifts.

We open our gifts and had a fun time. Amanda had fun with my present and hid a tie in a very large gift bag (which had several other smaller and smaller bags). Eric was really excited about his new computer!

The kids fixed us breakfast after we open all the gifts. This is the first time Amanda made eggs over easy and she did very well!

Now we were enjoying our gifts until our next guest came over.

Jan and Larry came over so we could do our gift exchange and we had a good time talking about our next adventure / activities.

After Jan and Larry left we had to wrap the last set of gifts for this evenings festivities.

We headed on over to Uncle Marshall’s place up north from us to enjoy the Cates gathering.

That gather includes the following families:
May family – 4
Uncle Marshall family – 2
Tawny family – 4

Before dinner we also have to go up into the attic and check out Uncle Marshall train layout. It is amazing on how much work he puts into the layout. It is really cool!!!!

After dinner we did the gift.

A very interesting conversation came up about how family did the unwrapping of gifts. The Delps just hands out one at a time – opens the gifts then hands out the next. We (My family) hands out all the gifts out, put them in piles in front of each person and then the youngest goes first opens one and then it’s the next person to open and we go around the room that way. The Cates hands out all the gifts out and does it the same way. I personally like that we wait to see what each one has before we proceed with the next gift. I think that more enjoyable and not so self-centered.

Like usual, we are the last ones to leave. I always enjoy being with my Uncle.

I hold everybody had a good Christmas!!!

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