Monday, July 06, 2009

2009/07/06 – Monday – Trapped Water

Well, time to get going took LONGER then normal (see yesterday.)  Got the RV read, then get the trailer re-attached, and then finally get the van loaded and secured. 

We headed on into Creator Lake National Park.  Near the lip of the creator, it was sure slow going trying to climb the road.  When we finally see the water, we had to stop for some road construction. 

We stopped at several location along the west ridge.  At the main ridge lodge/ranger station, Amanda got and started her junior ranger program.  But the requirements to fulfill is to much – we would have to do two ranger programs and one of them being at 5:30 at the campground – so that means she will not get this one.  She did do all but one sheet.  We also stopped on our way out of the park heading to Klamath Falls.

Amanda suggested that we stay at Klamath Falls because between there and our next destination, it seems to be no RV campgrounds. 

So we are camped at the Klamath Falls KOA.

We did unload the van and we went for a drive.  Amanda had already found a restaurant, so we stopped at it for dinner.

Once back at camp, I loaded the van back on the trailer.  I also went ahead and checked and topped off all the tires (RV and trailer).

Now it was time to relax.

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