Saturday, July 11, 2009

2009/07/11 – Saturday – Valley and Mountains

Well this morning the RV was getting warm, when I looked at the time, it was 9:30 – hmmm lat for us – o-well we slept in.

We finally left to head into the park – Yosemite.  It took us about 1 hour to get into the park.  I made the turn to head up to go to the tunnel view and drove the tunnel (both directions) and then stopped to take the necessary photos of the valley.

House Keeping store was our next stop – Mom M got her pennies pressed.

Our next stop was at the parking spot for the visitor center.  Now it was lunch time.  We found both penny press and eat lunch at the Grill (Burgers and Dogs).

Back to the van – we got ready for our hike .  We did the lower Yosemite Falls.  Eric, Amanda, and I also scrambled up to the base of the falls.  Amanda wanted to cross the water, so we started to cross, Eric made the last leap across, then I made it over, but Amanda slipped and fell into the water. She also hit her knee and stomach, but she was ok.  We climbed up to near the base, but the spray was a lot more on this side (west side.)

Our next stop was the visitor center.  Amanda had completed her junior ranger paper, so she was sworn in as a junior ranger.

We then stopped at the Samuel Adams gallery and Amanda got a few items.

The drive out was a little hectic, but we got back to the RV in reasonable amount of time.   We went out to eat at one of the local dinners. 

Back to the RV to load the van on the trailer, relax, and I through the ball for the dogs a few time.

Tomorrow is the drive home.

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