Sunday, June 19, 2011

2011/06/19 – Sunday – Another Good Drive

We got up a little early, but I heard Amanda being sick, so not a good start of the day for her.
Mom M, Cheryl and Amanda walked to the gallery store – everything was expensive

We left the campground about 8:30 – so an early start for us. I am not sure I want to stay at that KOA again, it was very close to the freeway and the train tracks.

Our first stop was just down the road to get go go juice for the RV.
We stopped for lunch after we went through Albuquerque
After lunch the wind was so bad, that my tires were getting hot, my inside duel was at 168 degrees so I slowed down from 60 to 55 to help in reducing the heat. But with the heat outside over 100 degrees and the wind blow very hard from the south the tire were still between 158 to 165 degrees. I was constantly checking the Smart Tire system!
I was going to get gas at a Flying J’s but they had no power for the town, so we hit the road hoping to make it to Amarillo Flying J’s (which we did). So on a tank of gas we made a little over 400 miles
We stopped by the LARGE cross, of course we took pictures…
We stopped for the night near Shamrock TX.
Cheryl made dinner and we walked up to the office to get some ice cream.

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