Sunday, July 14, 2013

2013/07/14 – Sunday – 2013 Vacation - Stats and Summary

Here are some stats and summary of the May Family 2013 Big Vacation.

Miles driven in the RV = 3,642
Average RV Miles Driven per day = 260
Miles Driven in the Van = 1,270
Average Van Miles Driven per day = 71
Average Miles Per Gallon for the RV = 7.0
Average Price Per Gallon = $3.619
Number of Gallons for the RV = 522.105

So we did get better gas mileage for the RV using the tow dolly instead of the car trailer.  So after ten years of having the RV, our average MPG is 6.453.

We visited 6 national parks / national monuments.

Something we did differently this years was to go to a place and spend a least two nights at the location.  In years past we would visit a park as we pass through.  So this year a different and more relaxing.

And lets not forget about fixing tires on this trip.  We had to buy two tires for the Van and a new tire for the RV.

I sure hope others go out and enjoy your vacation and visit our great nation!

2013/07/14 – Sunday – Vacation - Day 24 - Made it Home

We left earlier than normal, which is always good to get across the desert.

Our first stop was for gas in Barstow and while we were stopped, we had/got lunch.

Next stop was for gas again but it is for topping the RV off, ready for our next trip.  Then a very short drive to home!  Yes we are home!

Of course I had to do the vehicle shuffle and get all the vehicles in the appropriate spots.

We got the RV unloaded and now I guess ready for a relaxing evening.

Saturday, July 13, 2013

2013/07/13 – Saturday – Vacation - Day 23 - Inside Duel and Space

I knew we had a short drive today so I slept in, we didn’t’ leave camp until 10:30.

The drive was good and I thought we were on the home front with Las Vegas in view and then I started to feel the shake of the tires.   I pulled over and yep I have a bulge in the tread, but I was neither at an off-ramp nor a good spot to change the tire.  I drove on the shoulder at about 25 mph.  As we were driving, about two miles down is when heard the tire go flat with a big rush of air escaping sound.  Now that the tire is flat, I slowed down to 15 MPH and finally got to an exit (which was the exit for the Las Vegas Speedway.) 

Eric helped with changing the tire, man was things HOT.  Back on the road for a very short distant to get gas, but that was also a problem, getting the RV into the pumps was not easy so I decided to bypass that Pilot and head for the Costco.

We finally made it to Sam Town RV park for the night stay.

Before unloading the van we had lunch then Cheryl and I went and got a new tire for the RV.  The tire was covered under a cert so I only had to pay for upgrade (newer type of tire) and a new cert.

Back at the RV, we relaxed then it was time for dinner and a show – Star Trek!  Good movie now a new time line continues.

Maybe we will get up early tomorrow, but we will not know until tomorrow

Friday, July 12, 2013

2013/07/12 – Friday – Vacation - Day 22 - Shuttle and Drive

I thought Amanda was going to get us up, but nope, about an hour later she said it is 8 and then crawled back into bed and went back to sleep, so much for getting an early start.

We drove the short drive to the visitor center so we can take the shuttle into the canyon part of the park.  We rode all the shuttle all the way to the end of the canyon and did a short walk to the river.  Amanda of course took several pictures.

Now we are heading back down the canyon and our next stop is the weeping rock.  A short but steep hike to get wet, cool, and watch water drop onto our heads.

Next stop was the Grotto, we walked around a little bet and then caught the next shuttle.

Now it was lunch time so we stopped at the Lodge, the café had a very long line so we went to the restaurant and got lunch.

Next stop was the museum where we watched a video and Amanda was able to turn her JR Ranger booklet in for review and to get her badge.

Finally back to the van, our next stop is at the RV to pick up the dogs.  We went for a drive, but before leaving town we stopped for gas to top off the tank in the van.

Our destination was Kolob Reservoir.  On the way, we go in and out of Zion Park.  We took a side road to Lava Point Lookout/Campground.  We watched a storm come in toward the park.  We made it to the reservoir, but a little bit around it the rain started and I didn’t want to drive on muddy roads so I turned around.  We passed a big group of Scouts doing a camp / rendezvous.  Heading back down the hill we noticed a lot of people were heading up for such a remote location.

Back to the RV to drop the dogs off and now off to dinner in town.

Again back to the RV to relax for the evening.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

2013/07/11 – Thursday – Vacation - Day 21 - Escort / Tunnel

We started a little late, but that was fine.  Today is a short travel day!

We didn’t go far when we left the campground.  We stopped at the gas station to fill the RV up.

We arrived at Zion about hour and half later.  The ranger was giving me a bad time about being over 50 feet, but I know I am about 47 or 48 feet.  Now I want to know so I will have to measure when I get home.  I had to pay an "escort fee" to travel through the tunnel and it was $15, because the RV is "large."

Once we arrived at the tunnel, we had to wait our turn through it.  They stop the traffic from the other side so I could drive down the middle of the tunnel without worry about hitting the sides of the tunnel.  Of course I made it through without any problems.

We went on through the park and found the first RV Park and they did have room for us for the next two nights.

While it was raining we got the RV all setup.  We headed back into the park, and our first stop was at the visitor center and Amanda got her JR Ranger program booklet.  We headed up the road and stopped at the JR ranger “headquarters.”  We found the next program was about hour and half later so went exploring some more.  We drove further up the road and took more pictures.

We returned and participated in the necessary JR Ranger program that Amanda needed for her booklet.

Now, on to more exploring in the park.  We drove back through the tunnel and stopped just outside of it so we could to the mile round trip hike – The Canyon Overlook Trail.  That trail has some very neat features and one “bridge” that Cheryl did not like walking over!!!

Back on the road we continued did a few more stops and at one point was stopped by some mountain goats, and of course more pictures.

Now it was time to return and get some dinner, but of course we had to head back through the tunnel before getting to Springdale.  We finally determined which restaurant and we stopped to get dinner.

Back at the RV, Mom M and I got laundry and headed on up and did it – 4 washer loads and three dryer loads.

Back at the RV everybody else relaxed.

Another good day!

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

2013/07/10 – Wednesday – Vacation - Day 20 - Grand Staircase, Tire

Today was a lazy start, we did not get moving until a little after 10.

My plan for the day was to explore part of The Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument. 

We stopped to get gas in the van and then headed to the first visitor center, Cannonville.  We got some information and Amanda got her JR Ranger booklet to fill out, then headed on out.  We finally made it to an arch, down a long dusty road.  We took several shots of the arch and then headed back.

Next stop was at Kodachrome Basin State Park and toured around that area for a short time.

Now it was time for a late lunch, so we stopped at place that had food, but not a restaurant in Cannonville.

We then headed further East along 12 to the next town.  We briefly stopped at Escalante Petrified Forest State Park but we did not do any of the walks because it was over 98 degrees.  We proceeded to Escalante where we found another visitor center and that is where Amanda was able to turn in her JR Ranger program for the Monument.

We headed further East again towards Boulder (no not Boulder CO but Boulder UT).  The views were great. 

On our way back I took a different route.  I turned off the main road and headed over a Forest Service road.  The lady at the Escalante visitor center said it was a good road.  The road was in good shape for a FS road.  Almost near the top of the pass a deer jumped out in front of us and I barely missed her!!!  As we went over the pass I noticed the low tire light was on so I stopped and checked the tires, sure enough the passenger rear tire had a leak in it.  I back the van back to the top and found a relatively flat spot so I could change the tire.

Once back into Bryce City, I stopped at the auto repair place and had to buy two new tires.  The leak was in a non-repairable location and the tire did not have enough meat on them anyways, so replacement was the only option.  I needed to replace all four, but I was planning on doing that once we were done with vacation, so I will get the other two replaced once back home.
Everybody else walked to the RV while I waited for the new tires.  Once done, I picked them back up and headed out for dinner.

Back at the RV, we loaded the van onto the tow-dolly and got ready for tomorrows drive to our next two night stay.
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