Sunday, June 26, 2016

2016/06/26 - Sunday - Vacation - Day 10 - Family Day

 Before the day started, there was a major thunder storm moved through the area around 3 to 4 in the morning.  Some really good lighting.  Turquoise went to Eric to get confront, but the Thunder shirt really helped to keep him calmer then in the past.

We finally got moving about 10:30 to head for the Mather Family reunion.  A lot of talking and story telling.  We also had lunch (some people brought stuff for the luncheon like a potluck...)

I took the family group photo, so need to make sure people get the link once it is uploaded.

After that we went to the local cemetery to see several of the older generation graves.

Next was visiting the local family farm operations - there is somebody that is a 7th generation that is running the farm.

Now it was time for dinner, so the family and us that are camping in the same campground went into Iowa City for dinner.

Back at the RV we both got the vehicles ready for tomorrow travel day.  The other family retired into their RV while we stayed out and worked on things . . . . . . Fireflies . . . (sorry back to writing the blog)

We even let Moonstone out on a leash (we did that last night also), so he could explore a little bit.

..... Fireflies....

It is getting late so time get things ready for travel tomorrow.

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