Thursday, July 12, 2018

2018/07/12 - Thursday - Vacation - Day 21 - Drive and Hot Tires

We left our friends a little after 9.

We stopped for gas.

We stopped for lunch at a rest stop - but it was not much of one, it was at the top of a pass and it only had a pit toilet, it was basically on an off-ramp.

Stopped for more gas.

it was getting later in the day, and I started checking the temperatures of the tires.  I noticed the driver inside dually was at 170, so I slowed down form 60 to 55.  That did bring down the temperature to 168.  About  30 minutes later the tire was back up at 170, so I pulled off to cool down the tires.  We looked and found a campground in the town so we drove to check it out.

At the campground nobody was at the 'store front' but they had a way to register and pay, so we did.

Drove the van back into town to get dinner and try to find a laundry mat, but they all close to early to be able to do any loads. 

We had dinner and then back to the RV to relax.  While at dinner, I made a phone call to the location where we were going to stay but they are full, so now I am not sure where we will stay for the night tomorrow.  I guess we will wait and see.

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