Thursday, July 11, 2019

2019/07/11 - Thursday - Vacation - Day 21 - HOT - Rain - Wind

We got start a little late, but I need to stop by the office to pay the bill.  We got on the road about 19 minutes after 9.

Our first stop was just two exits up for the necessary gas for the RV at a Flying J's

At about noon, I stopped at a over look.  The generator keeps stopping, so I checked the oil level and it was fine.  So must be hot.

In El Paso, we stopped at Chamizal National Memorial Park and Grounds.  Amanda was able to get another JR Ranger badge.  The walk from the parking lot to the visitor center was a killer for my back...

 We stopped at a Flying J's for more gas.  C.M. was trying to pay for things and they were having all sorts of problems, but they finally got it squared away.

We did hit rain heading to our stop for the night.  I also had to reduce my speed to 55 to keep my tires from reaching 177.  (The highest that I seen on it was 176).

We are at Little Vineyard RV Resort for the night.

We unloaded the van and headed into town to go eat.  While we were eating at Marie's Italian Grill, the wind picked up and we were having a dust storm.  The last time we were in this town it was because of a dust storm, I don't about our luck.

Back at the RV park, Mom M and I went and had some Ice Cream at their Ice Cream social they were having

C.M. finished up the laundry and now relaxing in the RV and once in a while we hear the wind or a little bit of rain.

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