Saturday, June 13, 2020

2020/06/13 - Saturday - Vacation - Day 02 - Kings Canyon

We got up a little after 7.  We got things ready for the day and finally left shortly after 9.

First stop was to top of the tank for the van and then proceed over to Starbucks to get our breakfast and drinks.

About 5 minutes back on the road, I asked if we have the cameras, NOPE, so off at the next ramp and headed back to the RV to get them.  That only delayed us about a total of 25 minutes.

We finally made it to Kings Canyon National Park.
 - Big Stump - but we only pulled in to the parking lot and determine we did not want to walk to it.
 - General Grant Tree - we walked the loop and A took a lot of pictures
 - Panoramic Point - we walked out to the vista location and what a vista
 - McGee Overlook - seeing the old burn area down the valley
 - Junction View - looking down and seeing the Middle and South Forks of Kings River
 - (Before Kings Canyon Lodge) - stopped and take pictures of a water falls that some times the wind would not allow the water to reach the ground
 - Roaring River Falls - short hike to the falls and A took lots of photos
 - Drove around at Roads End Permit Station
 - On the way back, drove a dirt road
 - Grizzly Falls - very short hike to get close to the falls
 - Heading towards Sequoia, we drove as far as Kings Canyon Overlook before turning around.
 - Redwood Mountain Overlook

We made the decision not to do Sequoia National Park because it was already getting late, so we headed back to the RV.

After getting things taken care of at the RV (letting Turquoise out and feeding the animals) we headed out for dinner.

I loaded the van back onto the two dolly and we got a few things ready for tomorrow drive.

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