Friday, June 16, 2017

2017/06/16 - Friday - Vacation - Day 02 - Another Tire

We got moving about 8:40.  First stop was at Flying J's to feed the RV the necessary fuel.

Once on the road, the pulsating vibration seemed to be worse.  So I went ahead and stopped at the Barstow Wal-Mart.  Well, the tire I thought was bad is bad.  So I changed the tire.

Now the drive was smother, well as smooth as California roads are.

We stopped at John Wilkie Rest area for lunch.  Amanda would not make my lunch, but my mom did :)

The tire sensors was indicating the tires were getting hot (174) so I slowed down from 60 to 56 and that help lower the tire temperatures.

Amanda did some research and we found out that Kingman does have a Discount Tire store so we stopped there to replace the bad tire and get the front two re-balanced.  The manager noticed that I did not have a spare for the tow-dolly and stated that he can check to see if he had a rim and tire for it.  He did and now I have a spare tire for the tow-dolly. 

Uncle P. came and picked up Amanda and Mom M. while I waited to get the tires done.

Once the RV tires were done, I headed over to get gas at Flying J's, and then headed to family by 4:24.

E made a very good dinner even with trying to learn of all of our restrictions and the home made cookies were great.  We watched a movie before calling it a night.

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