Saturday, November 08, 2008

2008/11/08 – Saturday – South Park

Well I picked South Park to Pleasant run. It has been even longer sense I have done that.

CJ and I got ready on time and headed for lineup at 7:30. Once in line I became one of the trail crew. We got going at 8:00.

We bypassed Balarat and headed for the start of South Park canyon trail. Some people aired down their tires. I had to get the First Aid box out get some Band-Aids and some alcohol to try to clean a girl’s trip.

Once we got to the Brigs mine B.S. had to turn around because he was having problems keeping it running.

I was asked to pull in behind the leader and help spot the Chicken Wire Corner. The leader went through and once I was through, CJ drove the Jeep up to where the leader stopped, while I spotted the rest of the group trough the corner. I had only one guy that did not have his front hubs engaged, so with a little hat beat, all was ok.

We made it to the Ranch by noon and had our lunch.

After lunch we headed for Middle Park and up to the saddle on Pleasant Canyon. A group was already there so down the canyon we go.

We did stop for a 10:100 on the way down.

When we got down to where the water comes out of the ground, that area have had a fire and you can still smell it – I am not sure when the fire occurred. It was sad to see that it was burned, but you can start seeing green again.

We got done and back to camp about 3:30 – so a good fun ride.

Dinner was good as always.

Later I found out that Cheryl had high-centered the Van trying to get it to the RV after they went and got stuff for the raffle during the day.

Eric was the only winner for the kids and adult raffle.

The wind started up about 10:00pm and it never let up.

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