Sunday, November 23, 2008

2008/11/23 – Sunday – Argument

The morning started with me working on Eric shot glass case. I cut pieces of plexi-glass and three times I skinned my wrist – so now I have three areas of skin that is nice a pink. I did get his cases covered with the plexi-glass. Now I just need to hang them up in his room.

Cheryl and I went to the store and the event for the day started without me knowing.

I noticed a kid was going to leave a shopping cart in the empty parking spot between use and I asked him “please” to move the cart up out of the way so a car could park there. We (Cheryl and I) headed into the grocery store to do some shopping.

About three aisles later, at lady approached me and ask if I had said something to her kid. I said yes and then proceeded to tell her what I stated. She then would not let things go. How dare I correct her son, How dare I say anything, I should have said it to her. But the problem with that is she was already in her car and I just asked the kid. One of her statement was that she was outside and could see my scorning face, but later she said she was in her car. Then get this – she had to bring the race card into it. At the beginning Cheryl tried to get me to step away, but I refused, she left and continued shopping.

The store manager finally had to come to break things up. She just would not let things go and continued to argue with anybody that was going to deal with her.

I finally got to state my side of the store with the manager and left my name and number with him.

We finally checkout and while we where leaving, I noticed she was with the manager with her three kids going into his office – she just would not let it go.

Later, I had to return to get a rolling pin for Cheryl, but they did not have one, but I did talk to the manager again. He event stated that he has had that type of problem before with other kids and parents in the store. (When a kid was doing something that they shouldn’t).

This country is going in the hell whole. I do really believe in the adage of the village helps in the raising of the kids, but some parents just don’t understand it!

I did go to Wal-Mart go get the rolling pin.

Cheryl started working on the mints, while I finally got the vacation items photographed – thimbles, playing cards, and shot glasses.

Now we need to buy Eric a new holder because we have filled all three of his shot glass holders also we need to buy another for the larger size shot glasses. Amanda still has some room, but we need to get another one for the larger thimbles.

1 comment:

Chris said...

Some people are just stupid and shouldn't be raising kids. Don't worry, you are not the only one that would have had that argument.

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