Saturday, November 15, 2008

2008/11/15 – Saturday – Smokey

I had things planned today, but first it was off with Mom D and Cheryl to the winery. We got our spirits for the holidays.

Next on the agenda turned out to be the fires that are happening in the LA area. I found out a very good friend of mine from work lost her house. She and her partner and their cats all got out last night safely, but lost their house.

Cheryl and Amanda did some shopping, while I watch the news about the fires.

Cheryl went to her nail appointment.

I started on the hall closet and was doing a little de-cluttering.

Mom D called about her bike not starting, so she came and got me to help her with that. I got her bike started and she took it to the dealer to get it fixed.

Since I was out with Mom D she wanted a better antenna for the new digital TV signal, well that did not work so we returned that for a different on and that one worked – I might have to by that one, instead of the current setup I have now (with the aluminum foil on it.)

Once I got back home I put the stuff back in the hall closet.

I got a status about the bike – well it not good; it will coast us about $500 to fix it. So now I am going to see if the original dealer will work with me to get it fixed – not good!

I watched more the fire reports. While watching I noticed that the Brea fire was really close to another friends place so I called J.M. Yep he was on mandatory evacuation. He was getting things ready to leave, but he was staying as LONG as possible. His wife had left to find a place to stay for the night.

On Friday we worked on Amanda computer and blew it away – installed XP back on to it. So I still could not find the driver disk for the computer. I worked on my pile of CD/DVD and organized my collection trying to find it – but no luck on that front.

The smoke from the Brea fire was really bad for us. We shut all the windows and Cheryl was having problems breathing because of the Smoke.

Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day.

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