Sunday, April 29, 2007

2007/04/29 – Sunday – Party and Again Laptops

We all went to bed last night late – around 1:00 in the morning and Amanda had a hard time going to sleep.

I was up early again. I know I could have slept a lot more, but I guess the excitement about the laptops just made me get up and go work on them.

Because all of us not getting to bed on time, nobody went to church even thought they were planning on it.

Cheryl left to go watch the Lakers at about 10:30

It was a little hard to get the kids moving, but finally we left for a birthday party a little later then I wanted but still ok.

The birthday party was one of the kids that dance in the Croakers club, so the mom arranged to have the caller do some calling and teaching to all the guests that wanted to learn to dance. A few of the Croakers did come out and celebrated, but I thought it was a little disappointing on the turnout from the Croakers. There were a total of six squares of all the guests’ adults and kids that participated for the first time learning how to square dance.

The guests seemed to really enjoy all the activities with the dancing.

Back home, I had to get onto a conference bridge and do some work for work. That took most of the evening.

I am still working on the laptops. I think I have Cheryl’s almost done. I am still working on mine. Now I am installing the GPS stuff that I use for the trips and still have to install the satellite stuff – never ending…

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