Sunday, September 30, 2007

2007/09/30 – Sunday – Relaxing

This morning we all seemed to sleep in a little.

Cheryl and Amanda went to do some errands and shopping.

Cheryl and the kids took back a bad video game and did some exchanging so they wanted to play the games when they came back.

I did start the laundry, but I have not finished them…

I went into work, but not to do work, but to clean the department’s refrigerator and defrost the freezer – it is one of those small refrigerators that is very small, like for a student room.

While we were watching any football game, the kids was playing there game (picture in picture does come in handy sometimes.

I did talk to my mom, but this time it was short...

I think Amanda is coming down with something – she is not feeling good – I don’t think we will get much from her tomorrow.

Saturday, September 29, 2007

2007/09/29 – Saturday – NSDC Meeting

We got up and our first stop was as Starbucks. We then dropped off Eric at Mom D for day. Looking at an email on my PDA, I finally found the address and we found the place where the meeting location.

For lunch we went to Super Mex for a quick lunch of only 30 minutes.

After lunch the Program Group, the Youth Group is part of the Program Group was up for their report. Infact the Youth Group was first group up in the Program Group.

I gave my report and a teen gave a report about the additional room that we are planning. We had few questions but all seems good.

Mom D took the girls back home and Cheryl and I stayed for the complete meeting.

Once the meeting was over, our Program Leader, their assistant, and us went to dinner. They all piled into the van we headed out for dinner. We went to the Elephant bar about 6 miles away.

Dinner we all had a good time it seemed. I then of course we took them back to the hotel.

Today was a full day the NSDC meeting seemed to go well and a lot of info was exchanged.

Friday, September 28, 2007

2007/09/28 – Friday – Class and Walkthrough

Morning at work I attended a class. Right after class I headed for home.

Once Mom D came over we headed for the NSDC walkthrough at the Long Beach Convention Center.

While at the walkthrough a few more room changes were hashed out but the youth hall stayed the same – cool. I was able to look at the hall and start making the necessary arrangements – measurements, table, chairs, piping, dividing, and flooring.

I took Mom D to get her car. Once Cheryl was on her way home, I jump onto Mom D’s Scooter and drove back to her place. The max the scooter could get up to was 40mphs.

Cheryl and I stopped at Trader Joes to get a few items.

Cheryl and the kids went out to get dinner while I waited for company.

One of Amanda’s friends came over to get ready for the NSDC meeting tomorrow.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

2007/09/27 – Thursday – More NFL Tweaks and Photos.

Lunch was with my buddy to crazy chicken.

I worked on my NFL stuff gain, but I not making this better based on the numbers…

I worked on getting the photos off the laptop and onto my main computer. I finally got all of the vacation photos over and it will take two 8 gig DVDs to copy all the pictures – total is 15.4 gig worth of photos and just over 5,000 photos and videos.

I really need to make backup of all of the photos!!!

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

2007/09/26 – Wednesday – NFL Tweaking

Lunch was with my sick buddy of to Quizno’s.

Cheryl dragged me along with Eric so Eric could by the Gamecube.

We worked on our Fantasy football league on We move some players around and trying to understand things…

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

2007/09/25 – Tuesday – Going for a drive?

I had nobody to go to lunch with, so I did a few choirs – I got necessary bird food (we were out), and I stopped by the bank to make a deposit.

Cheryl took Eric to his church group.

I worked on and finished the laundry!

When it was time, Cheryl convinced me to go with her to pickup Eric. I took nothing but streets back – only a little bit out of our way but not much – you have to get around the airport somehow…

Monday, September 24, 2007

2007/09/24 – Monday – Not Much?

Lunch was with a friend to Denny’s.

Cheryl and Eric went to the store – I passed her on their way.

Cheryl worked on the receipts – putting them into money.

Very short entry for today – sign of not doing much???

O I did call to cancel my DSL, because I am already on FIOS

Sunday, September 23, 2007

2007/09/23 – Sunday – Quick Drive Home

The night was not a very good night sleep – about 4 in the morning, people started setting up for a swap meet in the next parking lot behind us. A lot of noise! – Cheryl did not notice.

About 7:00, people started to park all around us so they can go to the swap meet – man talk about rude people

We went to the dance hall and talked with people. I did do two round dances, but we did not do any square dancing today.

Amanda was picked up by one of our friends. And she is going to spend a few days with them (still doing her school work!)

We got home about three – the drive was really easy – not a lot of traffic to worry about.

Eric return home riding on the back with Mom D moped – he had a blast.

I put up 5 different entries on my other blogs of all the pictures of the weekend.

Saturday, September 22, 2007

2007/09/22 – Saturday – Dancing

I got woke up by Turquoise this morning three different times, so not the most restful night. But at least he got my attention and waited for us to go out before doing anything.

At about 10:00 the wagon master came by and asked for the money for the two nights.

Cheryl made breakfast this morning – pancakes – good.

I have to thank a good friend for sending us an e-card about Marble – Thanks!!!

We went in and talked to several people that we know, Cheryl danced one tip.

For dinner we went to Claim Jumpers – we snagged one of Amanda’s friend to join us.

We all went dancing. We stayed for the complete dance and had fun. The youth really kept me going all night.

I started to put things away getting ready to head home tomorrow.

Friday, September 21, 2007

2007/09/21- Friday – Short Drive

Lunch was with a friend – they took their car to a shop, I pick them up and then to lunch at a Mexico Food place.

I got home and started to get ready. Got the computers into the RV, and got the clothing into the RV. Cheryl came home took Eric over to the cousin to stay for the weekend. Amanda had got al of her stuff into the RV. Cheryl stopped by the grocery store to get some stuff.

I finally got the van onto the trailer.

She got home and she started to get things put into the RV.

We finally left at 8:00. The drive took only 1 and half so a very short drive for us.

Like normal, the wagon master was not at the trailer so I could be told where to park for the weekend. So I walked into the one of the halls and found somebody that I know and he was able to guide me to a place for the weekend.

We made camp, and as you can tell (if you read this when I post it) I was able to get the satellite all set up and we are on the Internet.

A few friends came over and we talked until the evening.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

2007/09/20 – Thursday – Prep-work

Lunch was with my buddy to Quizno’s.

I dump the tanks of the RV and filled the water up so the appropriate tanks are empty and full.

I worked on my computer and went through several emails that I have for the last two months. I still one more folder to go through, but that will have to wait until next week.

I am now moving all the photos from the laptop to my main computer, but this will take a lot of time…

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

2007/09/19 – Wednesday – Banking

Lunch was with the office for a birthday luncheon at L.V. Seafood.

I was requested to pick up mom from a dealer to take her home.

Cheryl made a good dinner for us.

Cheryl worked on the accounts some more, while I did some banking requirements.

Eric told me that he needed one of his tires filled up at 10:00 at night. So of course he got a little tongue-lashing for telling me so late. But I did go and fill both tires up.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

2007/09/18 – Tuesday – Power of the Internet

Lunch was with my buddy over to the bar. Afterwards we went to Wal*Mart and I got some items we needed. Ever since Wal*Mart been open, the trash from the parking lot is absolutely appalling. Wal*Mart does nothing to clean it up – it is really bad!

Cheryl took Eric to Church group. Then she also got dinner for her and I.

I started the laundry and finished it later in the evening.

Cheryl went and picked up Eric from group and got him dinner.

I also worked on posting some pictures from last weekend and backdate some other photos that I have taken with the cell phone.

Amanda returned from Disney Land – Lisa and Amanda had a good time I guess.

I got a surprise email from a post that I did last week – Friday. Wow Matt G (the cop.) read my post - somebody else other than family read my blog. In fact when I tried to do a very quick synopsis to Cheryl, I still got all chocked up about it.

Monday, September 17, 2007

2007/09/17 – Monday – Normal Monday???

Lunch was my buddy to crazy chicken place.

When Cheryl got home, she took Amanda to her church group. Cheryl also did a few extra stops afterward before returning home. Cheryl then went back to pick her up.

I took a nap that I hadn’t planned, but I feel good.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

2007/09/16 – Sunday – Church and Dancing

The family got up and the friend that spent the night went to church this morning.

When we returned we got ready for the Croakers Dance.

Wow, we had 4 to 5 squares dancing most of the time. This was the Croakers 3 anniversary dance and we had a very good turnout! We also did some round dancing between the tips, which normaly we do not do because we only have one or two of us that could round dance.

We came back home and watch two different movies – so it was a nice relaxing evening.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

2007/09/15 – Saturday – Goodbye - Full Day

I took Cheryl and Amada over to their nail appointment. After dropping them off Eric and I went to Loews to get a few things for the house.

I went ahead and finally took Marble to the vet to be put down. It was extremely hard for me to do that. Marble was 15 years old and she could no longer keep the flies off her ears and her hips are really bad and she has a very hard time getting up and down. I will sure miss her!

I fix the closet rod that broke about 6 months ago in our closet. I got halfway through fixing the transition from the dinning room to the kitchen but now need to make it permanent, but that will wait for another day.

I work on the little bit of laundry we had.

I went and picked up Cheryl and Amanda and went to get some food for them.

We then got ready for the meeting we had planned for the NSDC Youth Meeting.

We ate dinner before the meeting started. All seemed to enjoy it. The meeting seemed to go well, the group got the info they needed and now we just need to start getting a few things done.

After the meeting was over one of our friends will spend the night – We spent the rest of the evening talking before finally going to be after midnight.

Friday, September 14, 2007

2007/09/14 – Friday – Three Point View

Lunch was with a friend to Arby’s.

I got the seat covers finished on the van. It took awhile, but the covers look nice.

I have never linked to anything else before, but the next three links is a powerful story from three different points in the time line – very good read for kids about ready to drive or still driving and drinking.

You have to read it! It is awesome and excellent.

Chapter 1 - THE COP
Chapter 3 -THE NURSE

Thursday, September 13, 2007

2007/09/13 – Thursday – Relaxing

Lunch was with my buddy to Fuji Grill

Cheryl went out got dinner for us.

I worked on getting the computer to be able to display on the TV screen, I also downloaded the newest driver.

Otherwise we relaxed today

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

2007/09/12 – Wednesday – Errands

I got the last item that the dealer was to put on the van done today.

For lunch I went with a friend to Soup Plantation.

After work I went to the seat cover place to get them fix – fit correctly for the van – to be continued…

Turquoise still does not understand about not going in the house – he did it again in front of me and he wasn’t even buggy anybody about going out.

I worked on laundry today; I also cleaned up the bedroom some more.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

2007/09/11 – Tuesday – Eyes and Report

Lunch was with a buddy and a friend to Pinno Pizza

I made a phone call before an appointment. To fix the RV is going to cost some money – a lot of money – And I am doing the work, I can’t imagine what it would cost if the shop did the work.

We all had an eye appointment today. Eric is getting new glasses, Amanda got contacts and new glasses, Cheryl is getting new glasses, and Jesse is getting new glasses. We will not be getting the glasses until later (when they make them.)

Cheryl went to the grocery store to get a few things for dinner.

Mom D came over and we worked on the NSDC report that is due this week.

Cheryl and Amanda practiced their calling.

Monday, September 10, 2007

2007/09/10 – Monday – Yep Sick

Lunch was with my buddy and we went to McD.

Cheryl took Amanda to her group night for church.

I practiced do some square dance calling – boy I a bad. And being sick does not help. At least I can try to keep memorizing the song.

Cheryl also work on some calling as well.

I cleaned up my mess under my desk.

Tonight I have a running nose – so I hope that is all I get…

Sunday, September 09, 2007

2007/09/09 – Sunday – Sick

When I got up this morning it felt like I might be getting a sore throat.

Amanda and Cheryl went shopping again…

Eric and I did watch the Indy car on TV today – as well as on the computers.

I worked on getting the computers all hooked up – my two play machines and Amanda’s machine.

I started on working on the laundry and got most of it done today.

Now at the end of the day, I think my throat is reminding me about this morning – I might be getting sick…

Saturday, September 08, 2007

2007/09/08 – Saturday – Working Around

Cheryl and Amanda went with Amanda’s church group to Magic Mountain.

Eric and Jesse did things around the house. First on the agenda was collecting all the stuff that needed to go to hazardous and e-waste roundup; so a trip to drop the junk off.

We worked on putting things back into the dinning room. I worked on getting things straighten out in the kitchen and the dinning room.

Eric worked on his laundry and his room looks somewhat cleaned up.

Eric and Jesse did watch the NASCAR show.

Cheryl and Amanda got home late – as expected…

Friday, September 07, 2007

2007/09/07 – Friday – Walk

Lunch was with some friends over to Black Angus

Cheryl and I walked to the store for some stuff for dinner.

Later Cheryl and Amanda went shopping – I am not sure what they where shopping for, but I know Cheryl got a new pillow for her.

Thursday, September 06, 2007

2007/09/06 - Thursday - Back

Well, I have taken a break from blogging as you can tell. We have done a lot of stuff while my break from blogging. I have posted a few pictures from this past month on my other blog. I really need to think long and hard about doing a photo a day type of blog that I have been thinking about. To post every day does take some discipline and I need to make so I have it! So if I can do this daily blog, then I should be able to do a photo a day. Maybe I will start that next year, will see.

At least one friend asked about why I haven’t bogged and I had no real good reason. I am really glad somebody has been reading my stuff – so here is today…

Lunch was with a body of mine to Quizno

After work, I went to the pet store and got some cat stuff as well as some dog toys for the pup. He has several things crewed up on the back yard so I got him some stuff more appropriate.

Cheryl took Amanda to her church youth group and Eric and I just watched TV and played on the computers.

Eric still needed a few more items for school; we were able to find them around the house.

Well off to bed and getting ready for another Friday.

I still like the encouragement about keeping the blog going…
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