Friday, May 27, 2011

2011/05/27 - Friday - Another Pre-Run Day

We started on our pre-run, I wanted to tackle the waterfall that I noticed from yesterday.  So I tried several lines but I kept hitting something underneath the Jeep (thinking it was the cross member).  The line that allowed me to climb up was on the far right.

Amanda did most of the driving (other then the waterfall), when we got to the power line road the Jeep would begin to vibrate like a really bad wash board, so I told Amanda to keep it at 15 mph. 

As we were approaching the copper mine, I was told to stop, because a Jeep had a problem.  G.C. Jeep's power steering pump return line attachment broke from the reservoir,  so a fix was derived and now we are heading back to camp.

When I got up to 20 mph the Jeep felt like it was on a bad washboard road again and we weren't.  So I stopped and looked under the Jeep.  Well my drive line had some bad marks on it and it was bent, so the harmonics was causing the Jeep to vibrate.  So it was a very slow drive back to camp.

At camp, D.B. had to fix his shock - the top of the front passenger side shock came out of the attachment point - so he had to find a big washer to reattach it to the Jeep.

G.C. worked on his Jeep removing his power steering pump, while I worked on putting my spare drive line in.  Thanks to P.J. for helping fix my Jeep!!!!!!

Now it was time to head out and test my fix.  Off we went to the "lookout landing" on the East Ord Mountain.  The drive line felt good.

Once we  reached the "lookout landing" we did our normal view looking.  We also noticed that K.G. hub bolts where coming loose, so he tightened them up.

We went up to the next mine shaft and explored that one.

We drove around the other mines on the lower loop also.

We returned back to camp and enjoyed the evening around the camp fire.

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