Saturday, May 28, 2011

2011/05/28 - Saturday - Run Time

I had to get up early to be at the Trail Leaders Meeting at 7:30 even though my run does not need to meet until 8:30.

I had my drivers meeting and this year we had a smaller group then I normally have.  Over half of my group was from my club.

We left at our designated time (9:00) and headed across the lake bed.  We even picked up another person that turned around from another group.

We made it up and down several hills, and now we were going across another valley when I got a call out that K.G. got a flat tire.  He was able to plug the hole and pump the tire back up to keep on going (without putting the spare on)

We stopped for lunch at the Copper Mine.

G.C. got off the trail a little to far on the downhill side and needed a little towrope to bring him back up on the trail.

We stopped at a guzzler and G.C. discovered that his track bar bolt nut had been lost so another person had another bolt and he was able to tighten things up.

We made it to Camp Rock Road and that is were a few people did not want to continue on the trail ride.

As we were heading up to the "lookout landing" I was informed that somebody got a flat tire and it was repairable by a few plugs.

We finally made it to the landing to enjoy the view.

We did the lower loop we got back to camp at a good time.

Later that night I went and watched the Best Equipment Game.

At the end of the game it was time for my night run.

As we started on the run, we headed across the lake bed, but I was really getting nervous about not finding the route.  But we finally found a land mark and we then found the correct path.

When we got to the waterfall, two people selected to tackle that route.  The first guy needed three winches and a high lift to extract him from the waterfall and about an hour.  The second guy was able to power through it with only a little rash on is finder flair.

The ride back to camp was uneventful.

I joined the group around the campfire and relaxed before heading to bed.

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