Friday, April 08, 2011

2011/04/08 - Friday - Relaxing and Dancing

The night was not all that peaceful - with the airplanes landing until past midnight and then starting back up around 5:30 in the morning.

We relaxed in the morning.  Mom D and I went up to look to see what was going on with all the setup for the convention.

Chris, CJ, and Amanda went to the zoo to have a little fun exploring and taking pictures.

I found out that they are going to have some type of service dog thing on the lawn area outside of where I am parked, after some discussion with the wagon master I will not need to move.  but Saturday should be interesting with all the extra people running around.

I was able to take a nap and enjoy some time with some friends.

Chery was able to leave after picking up Eric and headed on down.  Mom D made some dinner and we got ready for the Square Dancing.

Cheryl and I walked around and said hello to several people.  I stayed and was able to dance a tip.  It also started raining off and on.

I did attend the VIP/Committee gathering after the dancing was done, and we were recognized for our efforts.

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