Saturday, April 09, 2011

2011/04/09 - Saturday - Dance, Dance, Friends

The morning did not start of good.   We had people setting up for a dog thing at 3:30 in the morning, running the engines, talking loudly, and making a lot of noises.  I thought about going out and yelling at them, but no.  But I found out that at least two others did go out and had a few words with the workers.

Once we got moving, the kids went and danced, while Cheryl and I did some necessary things to get ready for the days events.

One of the things was to get a new outfit for our self. 

Lunch was at the camper.

We had to have Eric sit in our parking spot while we went and got ice cream for the kids social.

We had dinner and before we knew it, it was time to head back into the halls.

We got to watch the competition, there was only one square of kids, but we had four squares of adults.

We did walk in the Grand March to hold the SCADS sign.  We did dance a tip before heading to the plus hall.

I was asked to help with an issue with a person that tried to say to somebody that they could not dance with his little one, so I had a few words to try to get this person not to say that somebody could not dance (which I don't think made a difference - this person was being non understanding). 

Cheryl and I was able to have a good time talking with old friends.  After the main dancing was done, we went out to eat at Denny's to talk some more.

Now I hope we could get a peaceful night!

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