Thursday, April 28, 2011

2011/04/28 - Thursday - NPS and Locks

We picked up GG about the time we set, but I still did not have the address for the Klondike Gold Rush - Seattle Unit National Park, so we did some searching, but finally put the name into the car computer and it put us close,  but we did have to drive around and we finally found the little brown signs pointing us in the right direction.  GG just could not believe they had a NPS in downtown Seattle.  We spent about 2 hours there, Amanda doing her Junior Ranger Program.

We left there to go find a place to eat, we finally found a place near the locks.  The place had very good hamburgers (Hamburgers Harry's).

Next stop was the locks (Hiram M Chittenden Locks) - We spent an hour there enjoying the view.  You are able to walk across the gates, over the dam, and the fish ladder (with view area).

We stopped back at L&G place to get a letter for GG, and to ask if R&B would like to join us for dinner but they declined. So we went and had some ice cream for dinner.

We dropped off GG and headed back to L&G for the night.


The next three days will be interesting. I am not sure if we will have internet connection for the next two nights and I will be driving ALL day on Sunday (some where in the time of 18 to 20+ hours of driving...)   -  So I may not post the daily entry but I will make sure to catch up and fill in the days...

O thanks for taking the time to view my entries (even though I don't know who you are, but I can tell somebody does view them)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Be safe on the drive....

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