Sunday, April 17, 2011

2011/04/17 - Sunday - Bike Ride?

the morning start late today - we did not get start until almost 11:00.  Cheryl of course went and got her drink from Starbucks.

I went and filed the tires up on the tandem, but when I tried to ride the bike the paddles would not put power to the wheels - the chain moves forwards and backwards.  So now I need to get the bike fixed - bummers!  No ride for us.

The rest of the day we relaxed, we did this and that.  I worked on the route for our vacation this year - it will be a straight run to Detroit, but on the way home, I am still working on that.  We will be visiting around three of the Great Lakes and I know that we will be stopping in Elkader to visit family.  But based on today price of gas - this trip will take all of the vacation fund money - so we need to save a little more for the trip...

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