Saturday, April 30, 2011

2011/04/30 - Saturday - Sugarloaf Fun

After our cold night we got ready to go for an off-roading trip.  We found a seat for Amanda so she could have fun also.

We got going and started up the road into the mountains.  It didn't take long to hit some snow on the road.  Our leader hit a section that they had a little problem but got through it, by the time L hit that section we could not get out of the ditch, so he let out more air out of our tires to get better traction.  Finally he was able to get going again.

The trail finally had snow on it at all times (as we were getting higher), but the roads had a lot of nogles so it was somewhat slow going. 

We where having fun, almost everybody had to winch at one time or another - they would sink into the snow and could not go any further, so winching was required.  I had to pull winch lines several times for a few of the guys.

We got within sight of the lookout on Sugarloaf, but only three jeeps in the group made it there, we made it to the last part of the road, but we turned down the very steep bank and headed back down the road.

During the time near the top, two Jeeps had problems.  One had some type of clutch problem, and another had some type of electrical problem (but fixed good enough to continue without any problems).

On the way back, we tried to go to another hill top, but the snow was getting to soft.  While L was turning around we herd a loud (and felt) bang, after looking outside, I could see a broken peace.  After checking we broke the passenger front axle and later we found out we also broke the other axle.

We made it back to the camping location and got ready for dinner.

Dinner was good with fun time around the camp fire.

We also got a full tank of propane so hopefully we will have good warm night sleep - which we did!

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