Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Bad Tuesday Morning

Well the morning started off with Amanda not cooperating about getting up. Finally Cheryl got her ready, but when they got out to the car it had a flat tire. So now Cheryl was going to drive the Jeep, but the windshield wipers switch is broken (it had rained last night). By the time I was going to drive Amanda, she was not happy. So I had to get her into the Jeep and take her to school. At school I had to request assistance to make sure Amanda to attend school.

I returned home to put the spare tire onto the car and I took the flat tire to America’s Tire to get it fixed. I left the tire to be picked up later and went to work.

I came home for lunch and to talk about how we should handle Amanda.

Cheryl and Amanda spent about two hours after school at the tire place to get the fixed tire back on to the car.

When I came home I work on our closet and got the big pile of stuff out of closet and put things away – Now I can say the room is complete. We did talk about someway of getting the treadmill out of their and that would make that room very good looking.

After completing the bedroom, I started working on my desk. I am back to four piles again. Still a lot more to do!

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