Monday, February 05, 2007

The Monday Grind

Lunch was at Carl’s Jr but the one by American Tire. Because I had to take the flat trailer tire down to get a new tire. I should get it Wednesday or Thursday.

Back at home, we still did not finish the RV, but I think it will slip until this weekend.

Mom came over to get my paper work for Wichita and then Cheryl and I went to Macy’s to use up the gift cards. Cheryl got some stuff for her and Amanda. We then had to walk up the escalators (because they were not working) to get a new bed sheets set. They did not have the BIG bath towels (bath sheets), so we still have some money left on the card for later use (to get those big towels.)

Looked at Eric report card. He is doing well, but he could get better, He got one ‘C’, which could be an ‘A’, if he would just slow down and concentrate. (He even admitted that he could do better)

Darn, when I am looking at my desk, it is starting again, even when I have not totally finished with all the stacks of papers. I will work on it again on Wednesday.

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