Saturday, February 17, 2007

Meeting and Diner Day at CA4WDC

Well, I got up early to be able to go to the Life Member breakfast. At breakfast we had to vote for the best persons for the three scholarships out of eight applicants.

Next was the all day meeting. I voted for the four things the Dirt Devils wanted me to vote for and I was able to vote for three additional items that came up during the meeting.

One thing that strikes me was that a BLM guy stated that we have all these acts for all other types of things, but no Recreational Act for public lands.

That word – Recreational – can be taken several ways. The land and water closing people would say hiking is recreational or even worse – just watching from the outside or on TV is recreational!, but for the rest of the people I would think of the following type of hobbies: water activities, bike riding, off roading, horse riding, flying and many more – All activities that would involve use of the lands and water for our recreation!

After the meeting I was invited to a gathering before dinner. A lot of good people to hang out with before dinner!

During the dinner (banquette), I was feeling good, so the time past by really fast, the awards were given out and then the dinner was over. A very small group stayed later to play some train before we all head back to our beds…

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