Monday, March 12, 2007

Another Day Missed

I went to work early so I would be removed from the fight with Amanda.

I found out later in the morning that Amanda AGAIN didn’t get up to be able to go to school. Well she didn’t go to sleep early. So this going to bed early has not worked yet!

We did go to Amanda’s next appointment with another Doctor. So now Amanda is on meds. But even the doc stated that the meds takes time to take affect. The doc says Amanda has depression.

After dropping me off at work, Cheryl and Amanda got the prescription filled and did all the necessary blood work for what the doc wanted. – Busy afternoon for Cheryl.

For lunch I went to the bar with a friend. I was good and did not have the bun.

Once I got home, I noticed and found out that Cheryl and Eric went grocery shopping. She also had started the first load of laundry.

Because of the daylight saving time thingy, I started to tare apart some of the water bed frame that has been sitting out on the patio outside; I had plenty of light to do a few things outside, still need to do more.

We did have dinner at the table – yes all four of us at the table eating dinner; its been awhile.

I have finished almost all the laundry.

Amanda was to go to bed at 8:00, but no she went at 9:00 because she was hooked on a show and Cheryl let her. Now its 11:04 and she is still awake. She stated that the heat is getting to her. I do not have high hopes that she will be going to school again.

I just wanted to state, that if I had my way I would have taken a lot more things away, but I am trying to compromise with Cheryl. Currently I am so MAD! With Amanda having depression, taking more things away may make it worse, but I am my wits end!

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