Saturday, March 24, 2007

Fixing Jeep Day

We this morning for some reason, I woke up early for a Saturday.

I worked on paying some bills before everybody else got up.

I finally started working on the Jeep. I fixed the following.
1. Electric Fan (radiator fan)
2. Power connection for a 12volt connection in the back of the Jeep
3. Filled the coolant (radiator) bottle
4. Filled the windshield washer bottle
5. Replaced the passenger side tale light
6. Unbend the passenger front (the one I bent and broke the turn signal light at Thanksgiving weekend in Truckhaven)
7. Fixed the gas tank sending unit – now we have a reading on the gas gauge.
8. Fixed the ground for the CB – made it more permanent
9. Fixed air line for front shocks

I then went to The Gear Shop and talked with him for awhile. I also paid my bill. I talked with him about how I could get Green fixed. They want some computer work done – wires and networking stuff, so we might do a trade for services.

On the way home I stopped to get gas to make sure I didn’t create a gas leak and all is fine!

When I got home I ate some lunch/dinner and started to work on the computer.

Cheryl and Amanda decided that we needed to go to a movie – The Last Mimzy. We left in a hurry, but the Long Beach (Carson Blvd) theater was very crowded and we would not be able to get the tickets in time, so we headed to the next theater that was showing the movie. We got the tickets at the Lakewood South but we where really early so we headed over the Circuit City and did some window shopping. Once back, we went into the theater and waited some more.

Once the movie started I noticed that the screen was shacking back and forth. I went out three different times to tell them. After the movie I had a headache and I did tell the manager about it. After our discussion, I got tickets for another free movie for all four of us.

Edited 3/26/07: add number 9

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