Friday, March 23, 2007

Late – But Made it.

Amanda did not make it to her first period class, but at least she got there to attend the rest of her class. We did find out about her grades in some of her classes and as expected she is failing, but here is still plenty of time to recover (hopefully).

Lunch I went with two friends over to an Italian place – but it was a little code setting out on there patio

At home the family relaxed and watched a few movies. Nothing really exciting.

Dealing with Amanda issue, she has now agreed to a goal. If she does not miss another day of school, unless she is sick (temperature, throwing up, or something major), for the remainder of this year and all of next school year, she wants a dirt bike (yes a motorcycle). This brings up a whole lot of things to consider. I don’t want her to be by herself when she is out, so that means I need to get one myself. The other main thing to consider is how would I transport the bikes and the Jeep at the same time. Then there is all the cost of the gear necessary to keep both of us safe. And now thinking about it, I would really like her to have a training class to make sure she (and I) know the safety aspect of the bike. Wow I sure hope this works!

It’s a big goal for her and a major financial expectation from us, but with the battles we have had and if she really needs a major goal, then I really hope this works.

We have told her many times, that our love is unconditional (of course that is always hard for a youngster to understand!)

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