Tuesday, May 22, 2007

2007/05/22 – Tuesday – Prep Work.

Lunch, I was on my own; so I went home Amanda was having lunch also.

When I got home I started work on trying to finish the wind generator. I did have to make a trip to Home Depot to get bigger twist nuts. When I was trying to put the generator on the pole, I had to come up with a way so the wires would not pull out of the twist nuts. So a little extra tape and that seemed to work.

The problem is I cannot test the generator because we do not have enough wind to turn the blades. I did see the blades move a little bit, but only for about 5 seconds. So I guess the big test will be out at our next adventure.
ALunch, I was on my own; so I went home Amanda was having lunch also.

When I got home I started work on trying to finish the wind generator. I did have to make a trip to Home Depot to get bigger twist nuts. When I was trying to put the generator on the pole, I had to come up with a way so the wires would not pull out of the twist nuts. So a little extra tape and that seemed to work.

The problem is I cannot test the generator because we do not have enough wind to turn the blades. I did see the blades move a little bit, but only for about 5 seconds. So I guess the big test will be out at our next adventure.

Cheryl did go to the store to get ready for this weekend.

The pup only had one accident tonight so a little better. But he sure does not like being on the leash, he was slinking, so he needs a lot more work.

I also worked on the remaining laundry, now I just need to put away the whites (the last load)

I paid several bills, but did not get far on the desk.
Cheryl did go to the store to get ready for this weekend.

The pup only had one accident tonight so a little better. But he sure does not like being on the leash, he was slinking, so he needs a lot more work.

I paid several bills, but did not get far on the desk.

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